
  • 2022年1月10日


    The United States and South Korea recently signed a new agreement governing the status of US military personnel in South Korea. Known as the US-ROK SOFA agreement, it sets out the legal framework for the presence of American troops on the Korean Peninsula and outlines the rights and responsibilities of both countries.

    The SOFA, or Status of Forces Agreement, is a common diplomatic tool used by countries hosting foreign military forces. It serves to clarify the legal status of those forces and their members, as well as to define the terms of their presence.

    The US-ROK SOFA agreement replaces a previous version that had been in force since 1966. The new agreement was signed on February 10, 2019, after months of negotiations between the two countries.

    One of the key changes in the new agreement is the increased responsibility placed on US military personnel in South Korea. Under the previous agreement, US personnel were largely immune from prosecution in South Korean courts, except in cases where the offenses were committed off-duty and outside of military bases.

    Under the new agreement, however, US personnel will be subject to South Korean law in a wider range of situations, including when they commit crimes off-duty but on-base, as well as in cases of sexual assault and other serious crimes. This change has been widely welcomed by South Koreans, who have long been concerned about the behavior of US military personnel in their country.

    The US-ROK SOFA agreement also includes provisions for the protection of the environment and for the relocation of US military bases in South Korea. It also sets out rules for the use of firearms by US personnel and the handling of accidents and other incidents involving US military equipment.

    Overall, the new agreement represents an important step forward in the US-South Korea relationship. It strengthens the legal framework governing the presence of US troops in South Korea, while also addressing longstanding concerns about the behavior of those troops. As such, it is likely to be welcomed by both countries and to contribute to greater stability and security on the Korean Peninsula.