Dole Collective Bargaining Agreement


The Dole Food Company, one of the world`s largest fruit and vegetable producers, recently negotiated a new collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. The agreement covers approximately 6,500 employees across 13 facilities in California, Florida, and Hawaii.

Collective bargaining agreements, or CBAs, are legally binding contracts between employers and labor unions that establish the terms and conditions of employment, including wages, hours, benefits, and working conditions. CBAs are negotiated through a process of collective bargaining, which involves representatives from both labor and management.

The Dole CBA includes several important provisions that are designed to improve working conditions and protect workers` rights. For example, the agreement includes a wage increase for all employees, as well as a new career progression program that provides opportunities for training and advancement within the company.

The CBA also includes strong protections for workers` health and safety. Dole has agreed to invest in new safety equipment and to establish a joint labor-management safety committee to address workplace hazards and injuries. Additionally, the agreement includes provisions for workers` rights to fair treatment and due process, as well as protections against discrimination and harassment.

The negotiation of the Dole CBA is an important example of the power of collective bargaining to improve the lives of workers. By working together through their union, Dole employees were able to secure important gains in wages, benefits, and working conditions, as well as important protections for their health, safety, and rights.

As the economy continues to evolve and workers face new challenges, collective bargaining will continue to be a crucial tool for ensuring that workers have a voice in the workplace and that their rights and interests are protected. The Dole CBA serves as a reminder of the importance of collective bargaining in building a fair and just economy for all.
