
  • 2022年6月1日


    The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) has been working to improve the interoperability of health information technology (HIT) systems. The ONC has been advocating for the sharing of medical records among healthcare providers for improved patient care and better healthcare outcomes. To this end, the ONC has developed a data sharing agreement that outlines the standards and protocols for sharing medical records.

    The ONC data sharing agreement is a voluntary agreement that healthcare providers can enter into to share medical records securely and efficiently. The agreement aims to improve interoperability among healthcare providers by ensuring that they use consistent standards when sharing patient information. The agreement also includes provisions for protecting patient privacy and confidentiality.

    The data sharing agreement is designed to be flexible and adaptable to different types of healthcare organizations, including hospitals, clinics, and physician practices. The agreement recognizes that healthcare providers have different HIT systems and capabilities, and it accommodates those differences while still ensuring that all providers adhere to best practices for data sharing.

    The ONC data sharing agreement is part of a larger effort by the ONC to improve HIT interoperability and eliminate barriers to data sharing. The agreement is based on the use of common standards, such as the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard, which is a set of rules and data formats that makes it easier for HIT systems to exchange information.

    Healthcare providers that enter into the ONC data sharing agreement benefit from increased interoperability and improved patient care. By sharing medical records, providers can gain a more complete picture of a patient`s health history and current health status. This can help providers make more informed decisions about patient care, reduce errors, and improve outcomes.

    Patients also benefit from the ONC data sharing agreement. When healthcare providers share medical records, patients no longer have to carry their medical records from one provider to another. This can be especially important for patients with complex medical histories or who see multiple providers.

    In summary, the ONC data sharing agreement is a voluntary agreement that promotes the sharing of medical records among healthcare providers. The agreement is designed to be flexible and adaptable to different types of healthcare organizations, and it ensures that providers use consistent standards for data sharing. By entering into the agreement, healthcare providers can improve interoperability, reduce errors, and improve patient care. Patients also benefit from the agreement, as it eliminates the need to carry medical records from one provider to another.

  • 2022年6月1日


    When it comes to the legal process of buying or selling a property, one of the most important documents is the contract of sale. This document outlines the terms and conditions of the transaction and serves as a legally binding agreement between the buyer and the seller. However, the question of who prepares the contract of sale can be a source of confusion for many.

    In general, it is the responsibility of the seller or their real estate agent to prepare the contract of sale. This is because the seller is the one who holds the legal title to the property and is in a position to provide all of the necessary information about the property and the terms of the sale.

    However, it is important for buyers to carefully review the contract of sale and consult with their own legal representative to ensure that their interests are protected. Buyers should never sign a contract of sale without fully understanding all of the terms and conditions and seeking legal advice if necessary.

    In some cases, buyers may wish to draft their own contract of sale or request changes to the seller`s contract before signing. This is typically only possible when the buyer is making an offer on a property that is not listed with a real estate agent. In these situations, it is important to work with a qualified attorney or real estate professional to ensure that the contract is legally sound and protects the buyer`s interests.

    Ultimately, the preparation of the contract of sale is an important step in any real estate transaction. Regardless of whether it is the buyer or the seller who is responsible for preparing the contract, both parties should take care to review the document carefully and seek legal advice if necessary to ensure that the terms of the sale are fair and equitable for all involved.